What made you want to start your own dance studio?

“As a child, it was my dream to have my very own dance school. I remember taking classes with my hometown studio, and wishing I could be just like my teachers! Through years and years of hard work, and dedication to my craft, I finally opened up to my family and friends and said “I’m going to do it! It’s time for me to have a place of my own!” They couldn’t be more supportive of my goals, and without my husband, and my family and friends this wouldn’t be possible! I’m so incredibly thankful!”

What types of classes do you offer?

We are a very diverse studio. There’s a lot to be said for dancers that can master a tap routine, as well as a contemporary piece. Our goal is to focus on taking various styles of dance class, and always learning something new! We offer tap, jazz, ballet, pointe, hip hop, musical theater, competition groups and more! We host our own specialty workshops throughout the year as well.

What age ranges do you teach?

Our weekly dance classes are on the schedule by age, and our youngest dancers are 2, and our high school dancers are up to 18. Please see our schedule for class day and times!